Other Projects

Cross stitch of five women with bob haircuts wearing pleated skirts, tanks, and knee socks holding hands in a circle like they are dancing with the outline of mountains behind them.

Cross stitch pattern from Point de Marque series by designer Thérèse de Dillmont - free from DMC

Cross stitch of a blue Adidas Gazelle sneaker in a small wood frame. A forefinger and thumb are partially visible holding the frame.

Adidas Gazelle - cross stitch on 22 count Aida

Embroidery of a woman pulling her shirt over her head and flowers covering her breasts. She has ginger colored hair, black, high-waisted underwear and it is in a gold oval frame with a hand stretched a long the length of the frame.

In Bloom - free embroidery pattern from DMC, 8 inch oval hoop painted gold

Cross stitch with Ukrainian language, two doves connecting to a heart above the words, small hearts between the words and four rabbit outlines with a heart between the. The bottom has the light blue and yellow stipes. A finger and thumb are partially visible holding down the fabric.

Ukrainian version of "Go F*** Yourself" - 18 count sparkly Aida - pattern from Subversive Cross Stitch

Cross stitch of a girl holding two sticks connected by a string and a spool above it, a Diabolo, and next to her a girl juggling four balls. Each girl is wearing a red pleated skirt, black knee high sock, red shoes and black tank. They both have short, bobbed hair and each stand below a blue-green tree. The pattern is in a gold, square frame.

Cross stitch pattern from Point de Marque series by designer Thérèse de Dillmont - free from DMC - 22 count Aida

A dollhouse miniature shadow box of a bathroom with yellow flower wallpaper and yellow shag carpeting. Yellow bath towels hang on the wall, a green plant hangs from the ceiling, there is a white pedestal sink with a white mirror above it, a small thimble as the wastebasket, a pink scale, fashion magazines on the floor, roll of toilet paper on a holder on the wall next to the toilet with a high tank and pull chain.

Vintage bathroom miniature shadowbox - repaired and pieces added

A cross stich of a distelfink, a gold finch, with a yellow body and half of the  red wing not finished and the red thread coming out of the fabric and laying to the side. The distelfink sits above a black, red and yellow heart and there is a tulip and blue leaves coming out of the heart.

In progress -  Vintage PA Dutch Hex Sign cross stitch

A round embroidery hoop wrapped in green and yellow ribbon and hanging on a wall. In the hoop is a cross stitched yellow scooter with black tires and seat and green handles and headlight.

Scooter cross stitch - 14 count Aida - 4 inch hoop

A square embroidery hoop on a wooden surface. In the hoop is cross stitched flowers and plants with the words "Fig. 1" stitched at the top. The names of the plants are stitched next to them and includes "Valeriana," "Rosa Canina," "Matricaria, "Dandelion," and "Calendula."

Botanical Medicinal Plants - free cross stitch DMC pattern, 14 count Aida, 10 inch square hoop

Triangle flags in different colors strung together each with a letter that spells out "Hello Little One" cross stitched. A finger and thumb with orange nail polish are partially visible framing the pattern.

Hello Little One - free cross stitch DMC pattern - 18 count Aida - new baby gift

In a black ornate frame being held in one hand, several flowers cross stitched in different colors circle around a purple flower with round petals.

Summer Mexican Flowers - free cross stitch DMC pattern, 18 count Aida

Green and yellow wildflowers in a pink vase cross stitched and framed in an oval wooden hoop. A hand is partially visible holding the top of the hoop over a wooden surface background.

Foraged Bouquet - free cross stitch DMC pattern, 18 count fiddler's cloth, 6 inch oval hoop